Dollars and Sense

Co-written by: Mel and Jodie

Todd march purposefully in to the kitchen, his arms filled with newspapers and
armed with a pair of scissors. He was on a mission and needed to continue
working on a strategy he'd come up with for cutting back on household expenses
and somehow increasing their joint income. He sat down and arranged all the
items he'd collected into orderly piles on the kitchen table.

He anxiously scanned the want ads until he found the ad he'd placed in several
of them. Everything had been printed exactly as he had instructed and they
should be getting responses any day now.

Next, he began a close scrutiny of available coupons in the diverse assortment
of sales flyers. The scissors were put to good use and he clipped out almost
every one. He paused briefly to consider the pet supply vouchers and wondered if
the idea of getting a dog in order to make use of the great deal of dry food
would go over well with Hayden. `Hmm, probably not,' he thought. Rather than
by-pass perfectly good coupons, he cut them out for Kadyn.

"If only we had a grandchild," he mused to himself when he saw half a page of
baby products on sale. "Maybe if I show these savings to the piglets….then
again, maybe not a very good idea; because each time I hint about it, Hayden
sends me a silent warning. The last time he actually cleared his throat and,
after the piglets had gone home, threatened me with unpleasant consequences if I
do it again. At this rate, we'll never be grandparents."

He valiantly resisted the temptation and almost shoved that particular flyer out
of sight when he realized he could cut the coupons out and have Rene give them
to Miss Stephanie at the daycare. However, he did persist in carrying on a
one-sided conversation during which he moaned his sad lot in life of not
getting his deepest yearning realized.

Once he had the chore finished, with everything placed orderly in the special
accordion-style case he kept them in, Todd wrote out his grocery list to
coincide with as many coupons as possible. He readily admitted that the meals he
had been preparing of late were somewhat unusual, but aside from looking a
little askance at his dinner plate now and again, Hayden had refrained from

After disposing of the remaining scraps of paper, Todd merrily set out to get
his errands done, leaving his husband undisturbed to work on their combined
financial records which Hayden habitually did at the end of each month. Todd was
extra ordinarily pleased with having come up with a few ideas to lighten the
other man's burdens.


Hayden finished paying all the monthly bills and was carefully studying the
spread sheet on his computer monitor. He frowned at the numbers in many of the
mutual funds they had bought into. They had certainly not escaped the fallout
from the economic downturns of the past few years. However, they still had solid
investments and enough capital in secured bonds to ensure they could maintain
the comfortable lifestyle to which they were accustomed. Many years of careful
saving and effort was paying off in their retirement.

The phone rang interrupting him from his musings. He answered with a cheerful,

A young voice replied. "My name is Daryl Winters and I'm calling about the room
you have for rent. I was wondering if it was still available, if I could come
and see it this afternoon?"

Hayden shook his head in surprise. "I'm sorry, but you must have the wrong
number. We don't rent out rooms."

"Oh, I must have misdialed. I'm sorry I disturbed you."

The man hung up leaving Hayden smiling and wondering to himself what Todd would
think of renting out rooms in their home. `He'd probably have a fit,' he thought
with a chuckle.

Seconds later the phone rang again. Hayden once again picked it up. "Hello"

There was silence for a couple of seconds before the same voice from the
last call spoke. "Oh gee, I'm sorry. It's me about the room again. I think there
must be a mistake in the number in the newspaper ad. Is yours 455-2354?"

Hayden sighed. "Yes, that is our phone number. You say this number is printed in
a newspaper advertisement for a room to rent?"

"Yeah, it's in the Jade Heights Examiner."

"Well I'm afraid there has been some mistake. I'll have to call the newspaper
office and let them know. Perhaps if you called them, they'd be able to give you
the correct number," Hayden suggested.

"Yeah, I'll do that. Again, I'm sorry for bothering you."

Hayden let the caller go and groaned. He hoped they wouldn't get too many calls
over this obvious misprint in the paper. He went back to his spreadsheets with
the intention of calling the Examiner when he was finished.

Unfortunately, the next hour brought three more calls and he was getting
frustrated. It was the last caller that had Hayden stopping to question what was

"Hello, I'm calling about the ad in the Kelowna Herald for a room to rent."

Hayden quickly disavowed the caller of any notion of his having a room to rent,
and then he got a bad feeling. Two different newspapers did not make the same


It took several trips for Todd to get all his purchases into the house. He'd
returned somewhat later than he had planned when leaving. He shut the back door
with a satisfying thud by swinging his hip against it, and then set the last two
bags on the kitchen counter.

After hanging up his coat, he began the task of putting everything away. He was
in the process of emptying the final bag of groceries when Hayden walked into
the room.

"Hi, sweetheart," Todd greeted as he made his way to the walk-in pantry.
"Sorry I was gone so long. I had a snack in the food court while I was out and I
see you ate the lunch I left you. I'll get supper started in a jiffy."

On his way back, he deposited a brief kiss on his husband's lips and started
pulling pots and pans out from the lower cupboard.

"I got involved in a bit of a tussle at the supermarket," he explained. "There
was a sale in mayo and I wanted a couple of jars, but some woman had grabbed the
last six off the shelf. Our coupons clearly read `Limit of 4' and so I politely
asked her for two of them. She insisted on arguing to the point of attracting
the manager's attention. Mr. Bricker quickly put an end to it by removing two
jars from her basket and placing them in mine. She's the same woman who keeps
getting in the fast check-out line with a buggy piled to the top with groceries.
Some people just seem to think the rules don't apply to them." Todd shook his
head as he took out his frustration by pounding vigorously on the chicken breast
he was flattening.

He eventually became aware of his babbling being the only sound in the room.
Looking over his shoulder with a quizzical expression on his face, he glanced at
Hayden. "You're rather quiet. Besides being hungry, is there something else
bothering you, love?"

"I was wondering if you knew anything about advertisements in both the Jade
Heights Examiner and the Kelowna Herald. Advertisements with our phone number
saying we have a room to rent? You see I've had four people call in the last
couple of hours enquiring about it."

Todd sighed as his shoulders slumped in disappointment. "That was supposed to be
a surprise," he murmured. Putting down the meat tenderizer, he turned to fully
face his husband with his hands spread out. "See what I mean? Either folks can't
read, don't comprehend what they're reading, or just figure it was meant for
anyone else but them. I know for a fact that my ad succinctly stated `Please
call after 5pm only' and that directive was apparently ignored." He shook his
head and returned to the task at hand while muttering, "Now the surprise is

Hayden shook his head in bewilderment. Even after more than thirty-five years
together, Todd still had the ability to leave him totally perplexed. He reached
over and took the meat tenderizer out of his husband's hand in order to gain
his full attention.

"Okay, Todd, let me get this straight. You placed advertisements in local
newspapers saying that we have a room to rent and that this was to be some sort
of surprise? Well, I will give you that point. It is surprising. But why would
you want to surprise me with this? Do you find our home lacking in occupants?
Did you suddenly decide you wanted to manage a boarding house? Or perhaps I'm
not giving you enough companionship? Please, help me understand what is going on
in that convoluted brain of yours."

Becoming resigned to the fact of regardless how hungry they were, supper was
going to be put on hold until this matter was talked over, Todd pulled out two
chairs from the kitchen table and sat down in one. "Have a seat, Hayden," he
invited, indicating the other chair.

Hayden took a seat and willed himself to listen carefully to what Todd had to
say before he reacted.

With forearms on the table, Todd nervously toyed with one corner of the place
mat in front of him. It was slowly registering that his husband might not be as
thrilled with this latest idea as Todd had hoped for.

As usual, Hayden was patiently waiting to hear the explanation. `Probably
mentally preparing himself for the worse,' Todd reasoned with some
understanding. Gathering his thoughts, he drew in a deep breath and plunged

"Times are getting tough, Hayden, and it's mostly the economical aspect I worry
about. We see it on the news every day; hear about it on the radio and read
about it in the newspapers; countries struggling to keep their heads above water
and avoid total bankruptcy. I wanted to help out with the `tightening of our
belts', so to speak. Unfortunately, I feel some of my cut-back measures aren't
going to make a big difference. The shopping coupons may be paying off a bit,
but we're only saving pennies by being diligent about our energy consumption.
Doing a load or two less of laundry a week, vacuuming no more than twice a week,
only using the dishwasher every second day just isn't cutting it. My attempt to
shut off the hot water heater when not in use didn't go over too well, did it?"
Todd grimaced at the memory.

"That is not an experience I intend to repeat." Hayden shuddered. "Stepping
into an ice cold shower was shocking to say the least. However, you did have a
valid point about it being both economically and environmentally expensive to
keep a tank of water constantly hot when it is actually used only for less than
an hour each day. As promised, I have investigated the purchase of a tank-less
water heater and I'm awaiting a call from a contractor to set up installation."

"Yes, well I apologized for that and meant it when I promised it wouldn't
happen again. And although the new system will work better, the initial
installation is going to cost us. Plus don't forget, we kind of over-indulged
with our Christmas shopping. Then, regardless of how much we enjoyed spending
those five days in Vancouver over the New Year's weekend, it certainly didn't
come cheap. Sooo, I figured supplementing our income might lessen the burden
when it comes to balancing our budget." Todd gazed hopefully at the man sitting
across from him.

Hayden pursed his lips and sighed deeply. "Though I cannot fault you for wanting to
show more economic restraint, the way you went about it is faulty. Firstly, and
I cannot emphasize this enough, you do not make decisions to rent out a room in
our home without talking it over with me. We are a partnership and this is our
home and any decision about who resides in it is something we do together.
Unilaterally deciding to place an advertisement with our phone number in the
newspaper is not acceptable. I can tell you without a doubt that I would never
have agreed to such an arrangement. Having some stranger move into our home is
potentially dangerous at the worst and at the least, would be disruptive to our

The mention of danger made an impact on Todd. It suddenly hit him; an epiphany,
that as often happened, came to him when it was far too late to avoid angering
his husband. He let out a quiet gasp and tried harder to pay attention to what
Hayden was saying.

"Secondly, if you had further concerns about our financial stability beyond the
water heater, you should have come to me to discuss it. How many times have we
covered this type of issue over the years? Talk to me, Todd, when something is
bothering you. Talk to me! I had wondered about some of the odd meals you've
been preparing lately but thought you were simply trying some new recipe book as
you have done in the past. Now I can see you were cutting back on grocery

Todd nodded vigorously, thankful for this portion of his cut-back program being
somewhat acceptable.

"Todd, you know how I feel about you keeping things from me and you know the
consequences when you do. I am not at all pleased with you at the moment. Not
only are you going to be spanked for this, but afterwards you are going to sit
down with me on your very sore backside and go through every single aspect of
our finances. During our thirty-five years of marriage, you have made it very
clear that you have little interest in dealing with money matters and I have let
you get away with only such involvement as was absolutely necessary, but I see
now that I should have insisted you have a greater understanding of our fiscal

Hayden looked at the food on the kitchen counter as he stood. "Put that chicken
in the refrigerator. It's going to be a while before we have dinner this

"But, Hayden," Todd began his protest while getting to his feet. "I only wanted
to surprise you. It's kind of hard to do that if you tell a person what you're
up to. The mine will be re-opening in a few weeks and I thought we might be able
to accommodate a couple the seasonal workers who will be looking for lodging."
He paused when remembering that besides incurring his husband's displeasure, the
other part of this conversation he'd found most disturbing was having
potentially put them in harm's way. He'd been told numerous times about his
tendency to take people at face value; how he had difficulty recognizing those
who others would normally be wary of; that not everyone he met would
automatically prove honourable.

Glancing up at his husband, Todd murmured, "But whom would I know to trust? Oh my God, I could have endangered both of us." His eyes widened with fear as panic set in. "We could have been killed in our sleep," he ardently declared, frozen to the spot where he stood wringing his hands. "I am so sorry, Hayden. You are absolutely right; I should have discussed it with you first instead of trying to surprise you."

Hayden pulled Todd into his arms and kissed the side of his face gently. "Don't
get yourself all worked up, sweetheart. Nothing has happened and nothing will.
No one is being killed in their sleep. Now let's get this food put away so we
can go deal with this lack of communication issue of ours."

They quickly had the chicken put on a plate, covered and into the refrigerator.

Todd preferred almost any form of retribution over a spanking, particularly at
the moment one was imminent. But he needed the resolution physical discipline
would bring, along with the assurance he'd been forgiven. More importantly, he
needed the periodical re-enforcement of Hayden's authority confirming that the
older man was in charge and would take care of things. Over the years, with
Hayden's help he had learned to control his impulsiveness. His ever being able
to control this habit completely was unlikely. Both men were aware of this and
accepted it as part of who Todd was. However, he would never be given free
reign; there would always be consequences. So he meekly allowed himself to be
led out of the kitchen and down the hall.

In the office, Hayden drew Todd over to the long leather sofa. Before sitting,
he took a moment to undo Todd's belt, followed by undoing his trousers. Todd had
never been able to bring himself to complete this task prior to an impending
punishment. He gently slid his husband's pants and boxers down over his slim
hips, sat down and pulled Todd across his lap.

Despite the fact Todd was in trouble and that he was about to spank him, Hayden
couldn't help but admire the bottom stretched out over his thighs. Todd worked
hard to keep up his appearance which included regular exercise, and though no
one could stop the march of time and its' effects, Hayden still found this butt
to be very desirable. He had to take a deep breath and remind himself he wasn't
here to play with that bottom.

"I don't think we need to discuss the reason for this any further, do you?"

"No," Todd mumbled into the throw pillow he was burying his face in.

"All right then." Hayden raise his hand brought it down in a firm smack. Todd
jumped slightly and Hayden noticed him gripping the sofa cushion a little
tighter as the spanking proceeded. Hayden continued, steeling his heart not to
give in to the quiet sobs. He knew he needed to make this count enough to
reinforce their rule about communication and to alleviate the guilt Todd was
feeling. Very soon the butt he'd been admiring was an even shade of red and
Todd's sobs had turned to gasping shudders. Only then did Hayden stop raining
down the spanks and begin to bring comfort to his chastened husband. He
soothingly stroked Todd's back, whispering of his love.

Todd went along with being lifted into a sitting position on Hayden's lap. His
husband had taken care to insure that as little pressure as possible was put on
the burning flesh.

"Thank you," Todd murmured his gratitude when a clean handkerchief was pressed
into his hand. He blew his nose and then dried his face before hiding it against
Hayden's broad shoulder. Next he worked on ridding himself of any remaining
anxieties and getting his hitching breath back to what it should be. He didn't
repeat his apologies. None were necessary because Hayden already knew he was
sorry. He'd been forgiven and the slate wiped clean. At this moment in time,
that was all either of them needed.

Once Todd had calmed down and his breathing returned to normal, Hayden gently
patted his bottom. "All right, my love, up we get. We're going to go through all
of our finances together, so that you can see exactly where we stand." He gave
Todd a push up to his feet and helped him get his clothes back in order. He then
guided him over to the desk and pulled up another chair so they could sit side
by side at the computer. Hayden had to hold back a laugh as Todd made a dramatic
show of lowering himself very carefully onto the seat.

Hayden started up the laptop and opened it to the money management program.
"Contained in each of these files are all of our bank accounts, investments,
assets, etcetera. I want you to pay close attention as we go through each one so
you get an informed understanding of exactly what we have," Hayden began.

He spent the next hour guiding Todd through everything, explaining about those
losses which they'd incurred during the recent market downturns but also
explaining that their money was soundly invested and that they had no worries
about being able to maintain their current lifestyle. While Todd was studying
their retirement income fund, Hayden placed a call to the Maple Grill and
ordered two roasted chicken dinners for delivery to the house. It was nearly
past dinner time and he didn't want Todd's blood sugar dropping too low.

Todd slowly read over the spreadsheet on the screen, moving the cursor back and
forth between the columns to make sure he didn't miss anything.

He turned to look up at his husband just as Hayden returned the phone to its'
cradle. He smiled brightly and nodded. "I feel a lot better after seeing how
well organized you have all this, Hayden. You've done as good a job as our
former accountant would have done; maybe even better because it is so much
easier to understand." His smile widened. "And think of the money you've saved
by doing it yourself."

Hayden had to smile at Todd's remark about saving money on an accountant. The
reason he'd taken to doing it all himself was due to having the time now that
they were retired. He'd always been quite good at finances but had never had
time to deal with them while he'd been running a busy law practice.

One excited bounce on his chair and Todd quickly brought that action to a halt
with a painful grimace. "I'm glad we don't have to resort to sharing our home.
It really wouldn't have worked out too well," he stated, glancing back at the
computer. "I only have one question."

"And what question would that be?"

"As you know, just about now we should be somewhere much warmer and enjoying the
final few days of our three week winter retreat, but we're not. When I asked you
about it earlier in the month, I was told that alternative plans were being
considered and you let me in on them as soon as possible. Since you haven't, I
took it to mean we were not in a financial position to get away. I figured you
didn't want to tell me in order to avoid unnecessarily worrying me until you had
it all worked out. Not that it met with success as I really was getting worried.
But after viewing all this," Todd waved his hand at the computer, "the only
question remaining is; what kind of holiday, if any, have you been
contemplating?" He grinned up at the man beside him, expecting to be pleasantly

Hayden had to laugh. Only Todd could turn a mood around so quickly. "It's funny
you should ask, because about a week ago I mentioned to Zack that I was looking
at cruises this year and he called me today to say he wanted to surprise Rene
with special vacation and asked how we would feel if they joined us on a
cruise. He said he felt since Rene had managed so well with giving up caffeine,
he wanted to do something to show him how proud he was of him. So what do you
think, love? Would you like to take a cruise with Zack and Rene?"

Todd squealed with delight and all but threw himself at his husband, almost
knocking both of them to the floor. "I'd love some extended fun time with our
piglets!" he exclaimed, hugging the breath out of Hayden. "I would think that
was a given," he laughed, settling himself more firmly on Hayden's lap. "Which
cruise do you have in mind? When would we be leaving? Has Zack told Rene yet? We
will need to shop before we leave, right?"

Hayden returned Todd's hug and kissed the side of his face. "To answer your
questions; we're looking at a seven-night Caribbean cruise on Celebrity Cruise
Line, leaving three weeks from this Sunday. No, Zack has not told Rene yet. It's
a surprise. So we're not to say a word until he informs us he's told Rene. And
yes, my beloved, you can do some shopping before we leave. I know you well
enough to know you'll want a few new things to take with us."

"I can hardly wait. And I promise not to mention it in front of Rene." Todd
crossed his heart and laughed as he pushed himself up to his feet. "Doorbell!"
he announced unnecessarily. "I'll answer it while you get your credit card

"Oh, and just so you know; it sometimes seems a little one-sided to me that when
you plan to pull off a surprise you always meet with success, while most often
the same cannot be said for me. Guess I've still got to work on that. It's
unfortunate that common sense always manages to elude me when I get impulsive."
Todd sent a contrived pout over his shoulder seconds before laughing at the
expression on his husband's face as he left the room with Hayden hot on his

Hayden gave an exaggerated eye roll. "Do let me know if common sense ever
catches up with you. We'll throw a party!" he called out as he followed behind
his often exasperating, but always lovable, spouse.


They spent the next couple of hours enjoying a companionable supper and kicking
around proposals for their upcoming holiday in the sun.

Dishes out of the way and kitchen tidied, the two men were relaxing in front of
the fireplace with Todd's head on Hayden lap while long fingers soothingly raked
through the younger man's hair. They were still leisurely discussing the cruise
when Todd suddenly bolted into an upright position and turned to Hayden.

"Good heavens, I almost forgot about calling the newspapers and cancelling my
ad. I wonder if it's too late to do so now and avoid it getting into tomorrow's

Hayden looked at his watch and sighed. "I'm afraid at this hour you'll be much
too late to cancel an ad. So I expect you will spend tomorrow at home fielding
any phone calls that come as a result of your advertisements. You may explain to
any callers that the room is no longer available and they should try calling
Mrs. McIntyre's boarding house on Main Street. I'm sure she will appreciate the
business your ads might bring her way."

Pushing aside the light blanket that had been covering him, Todd shifted
position until he was straddling Hayden's thighs. "All right, guess it's only
fair I handle the addition fallout resulting from my impulsiveness. But to cut
back on the number of callers I'd have to disappoint, do you think there'd be
any chance of our making a trip to Kelowna tomorrow? We could shop around for
new swimwear and possibly have dinner at that Greek restaurant we enjoy so
much." Todd uneasily toyed with the buttons on his husband's shirt as he sought
a bit of a reprieve from having to deal with too many strangers, some of whom
may get a little perturbed. Todd was inclined to shy away from anything that
could conceivably turn unpleasant.

Hayden shook his head with a small smile. "No shopping tomorrow, love. I think
you owe it to people to give them an honest answer when they call. And frankly,
they will only call again the next day if they don't get a response. So you do
as I asked and take the calls as they come in. Now if you'd still like us to go
shopping in Kelowna on Saturday, then that would be fine by me."

Todd sighed and returned the smile, albeit not too enthusiastically. "Okay, I'll
cancel the ads first thing in the morning and man the phone all day."

Although not looking forward to the chore, Todd knew Hayden would never insist
he do something he was incapable of doing. His husband did, however, expect Todd
to work through the aftermath of his errors whenever possible and he was always
by his side, offering encouragement and support. Regardless of how many mistakes
Todd had made over the years, Hayden had never once belittled him. Nor had he
ever made him feel less than a man or equal partner.

Todd gently placed his hands on the sides of Hayden's face; a strong handsome
face he knew even better than his own. Dreamily gazing into eyes he adored, he
ran his fingers lovingly over the beginning of a five o'clock shadow. His
heartbeat picked up as the love he had for this man threatened to overwhelm him.

He leaned in and lightly grazed his lips over Hayden's. Lifting his head, he
softly smiled. "Seconds are always best," he whispered and lowered his face. He
felt his pants tightening as he deepened the kiss, opening his mouth to allow
Hayden's tongue to enter. His need grew as hands firmly caressed his back and
sent shivers up and down his spine. He moaned his delight when those same hands
began removing his clothing and he lifted his hips just enough to facilitate the
lowering of his jeans and boxers. And the hunger grew!

Moments later, Todd found himself flat on his back on the blanket-covered sofa
with one leg resting on the headrest and the other dangling over the side. His
pants and underwear had been pulled off and tossed on the floor next to his
shirt. His erection was standing proud and pulsing with the building
anticipation as he lay in wait for his lover's possession. The quantity of
impromptu sex may have diminished slightly over the years, but the intensity
never had.

It was occasions like this that let Todd know the value of his hygienic habit of
being ever ready for the intimacy their relationship thrived on. He watched
through partially closed eyes as Hayden quickly undressed and located one of
several tubes of lubricant they kept discretely hidden about the house.

Hayden knelt back on the couch between Todd's splayed legs. He smiled at the
sight of his lover so wanton and needy. He flipped open the top on the lube and
began to prepare his husband. He loved how Todd panted and moaned with each
additional finger used to stretch him. Finally, knowing that neither of them
could wait any longer, he quickly lubed his straining erection and pressed it
firmly into his lover. Even after all these years, Todd gasped when entered.
Hayden waited a moment, allowing Todd to adjust and then began to thrust. Long
firm strokes grazed over Todd's prostate, sending sparks of pleasure throughout
his body.

Hayden wanted this to last. So he slowed down his thrusts and spent some time
kissing Todd, ravishing the sweet mouth with his tongue. Using his hands, he
gently pinched and twisted Todd's nipples until they were hard little nubs. He
could feel Todd's erection pressing into his stomach, leaking copious amounts of
pre-cum. He pulled back a little and admired the kiss-swollen lips and
glazed-over eyes of his lover. Once again, he picked up the pace of his thrusts
as he took Todd's hard penis into his hand and began to stroke it firmly.

Todd was soon thrashing beneath him, grasping at the couch cushions as his
climax rolled over him and his cum sprayed out over his belly. The spasms of
Todd's body soon had Hayden following him over the edge and coming with a yell
deep inside of his lover's bowels.

Hayden collapsed forward, almost gasping for breath as his body recovered from
the orgasm. Finally, when he caught his breath, he pulled back a little and
grinned. Todd looked completely blissful; no one could have mistaken that look
for anything else but the face of a man who had been well laid.

"Feeling better now, love?" Hayden softly inquired.

"Hmm." Todd incoherently responded, making the most of his post coital haze in
hopes of it lasting as long as possible. He was vaguely aware of gentle hands
wiping off his stomach. He eventually gained his senses enough to accept
Hayden's invitation to join him in their soaker tub.

Allowing himself to be towed upstairs, he smiled in anticipation of spending the
rest of the evening in his lover's arms.

The End

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